John may understand more about the new baby than I gave him credit for. I didn't think he was really aware at all. But he at least understands enough to mimic Maggie.
Tonight at dinner, he said, "Can I have a baby, too?"
"No, honey, only mommies can have babies. You can have a baby doll, though."
"No, I want a baby in my tummy."
"Well, only mommies can do that, not little boys. But when the baby comes, he or she will be part of the family, and be part of all of us, including you."
"I can't wait for the new baby. When will the new baby come?"
"Not for a long time, still. After Christmas."
"No! Not Christmas! Valentine's Day."
"Yes, you are right, Valentine's Day."
"Is he ready now? Is he packing his bag?"
I couldn't answer this one - James and Maggie were laughing too loud.