Monday, December 21, 2009

John's conversation style is growing up

Jeremy reported that John (2.5 years) and he had a very interesting conversation on the way to pick up pizza the other night.

John: I was frustrated this morning.
Jeremy: Oh, really? Why?
John: I don't know.
(To be fully appreciated, the "I don't know" needs an audio file. John currently says this in answer to most questions, with a certain repeated inflection: an emphasis on the "I," and a dip on the "know,"with an effect that is somewhere between surprise, frustration, and indignation, and resignation.)

John: Does Mommy have a hammer?
Daddy: No.
John: Does Daddy have a hammer?
Daddy: Yes.
John: Does Grandma have a hammer?
Daddy: No.
John: Does Grandpa have a hammer?
Daddy: Yes.
[Pregnant Pause]
John: Does John have a hammer?

So, he has already learned sophisticated ways to drop hints (subtle and not so subtle), such as for his Christmas wish list.

For the record, Mommy does own a hammer. It is part of the Do It Herself Toolkit I received as a high school graduation present. While the name still makes me cringe, I have used the surprisingly well-stocked little blue kit on more than one occasion over the years.


  1. Hi, Professor Mom. Living Downstream is coming out as a second edition in April. The new version addresses the promises of green chemistry and green engineering. It's also being released as a film. If you are interested, you can see the trailer at

    John sounds like an amazing little boy! My son Elijah is now 8 years old and wishes to become a farmer, the President, or a member of the Beatles. The romance between mothers and sons is so wonderful. Enjoy every second.

    Kind regards,

    Sandra Steingraber

  2. So, does John sound like Captain Kirk when he says "I don't know"?

    At least the "Do It Herself" tool kit wasn't pink.
