Monday, January 18, 2010

John: the future car salesman or convict?

It is scary how much a two-and-a-half-year-old does, and doesn't, understand about social interactions. It also seems that his moral development is ahead of his years, and maybe not in a good way. To understand this verbal exchange, you need to know two things. (1) "Firetrucks" is one of John's current favorite video tapes, and (2) Jeremy and I were standing right next to each other during this entire exchange.

John: Mom, can I watch Firetrucks?

Mom: No, John. Finish your breakfast.

[Thoughtful pause.]

John: Dad, can I watch Firetrucks?

Dad: What did Mommy just say?

John [in a petulant voice]: She said no!

Dad: Then, no. Eat your breakfast.

[Longer, more thoughtful pause.]

John: Mom, can I watch Firetrucks?

Mom: No!

John [in an offended, slightly wheedling tone]: Dad said I could!


  1. :)
    Now which sibling did John learn this from? Clearly he's not so artful (yet) at the application of this tactic, but the general idea of divide, lie, and conquer must have been successful before. I'm gonna start watching my wallet around this one.

  2. Ah yes, he's really trying to work it. Good luck with that!
