Labor Day 2011 ... Dad has been after me for several years now to revive a tradition from my youth - the annual Bridge Walk. I hadn't really thought the kids were ready before now. My own fear of heights translates to my fearfulness for them, so that I don't want them on a high bridge without me, and I don't want them up there when I am not sure if they are old enough to stay safe.
Well, this year, I finally gave in. James and Maggie really wanted to go this year, which mean John would want to be included. I didn't want Dad trying to manage all 3 on his own, so that put me on the hook. Once I realized that I would thus have to also take Helen, I knew that I would be needing another adult to help me make the drive there and back, at least, which put Jeremy on the hook for the walk as well.
So, that was how we found all six of us on the road before dawn this morning. We had been staying with Glen and Di for the weekend - an extended birthday party for Di, with all 8 cousins and their assorted adults creating happy mayhem for Grandma and Grandpa. Dad couldn't get the cheap motel he had hoped to reserve, and I am too cheap to pay for a Mackinac City motel. Of course, in the good old days, we just pulled off onto the beach west of St. Ignace and slept in the car. It would have been a bit romantic and nostalgically fun to wake again to the sounds of Lake Michigan lapping at the front tires of my bed. On the other hand, some things don't get better with age. Six people sleeping in a minivan with no toilet is one of those things.
Thus, we instead opted to stay Sunday night at Glen and Di's house. We rose at 5:30 and crept away shortly after 6 AM. With no traffic at all, we mad good time in the pre-dawn darkness, and found ourselves meeting Dad in Mackinac City by about 8:30. We then spent some time getting organized - we left Dad's car in a parking lot, drove all seven of us north, found a Glen's market for using the bathroom and buying breakfast (doughnuts and bananas), and pulled into the state park where we could eat in the picnic area, park our van, and make a 10-minute hike to the start of the bridge walk.
Hmm, is that my husband or
the Unabomber sharing our tasty breakfast of champions in the St. Ignace
state park before the walk? |
Setting out....James forgot his jacket
with a hood so he decided to improvise with a t-shirt to keep his head
warm. He was not the oddest looking person there today, anyway. |
Then, we were on the bridge and walking by about 10:30. John was definitely dragging his feet. He was tired. All the kids were a bit grumpy, actually. It was a cold, gray, windy morning. They spent some time complaining about being cold. in the same breath that they complained that I had made them bring an extra sweatshirt to wear. The crowds were sweeping us right along, though, so they didn't have much time to really work up to a full misery report. It was actually hard even to pause for photos, because we felt like we might be trampled. I don't recall feeling that way on past walks - maybe it was the weather that made people hustle so much, since I don't ever recall it being so cold, either. (It was about fifty degrees and overcast.)
Yes, I know Helen's face looks a bit cold and windblown, but I assure you that she was pnd she "walked" the full bridge in this cozy position. |
Poor Grandpa had to lie down
on the bridge for this shot, prompting a kind woman to stop and ask if
he needed medical help. Ah, the indignities of aging. | |
As we passed the second tower, the sun came out, the air warmed up, and the downhill portion of the bridge just flew by. Before we knew it we were shuttling back across the bridge for the van, buying fudge, and on the road. We returned to Glen and Di's in Tustin just under 12 hours after we left - not bad considering it is a 2.5-3 hour drive from the bridge.
Looking happier as the end approaches and the sun comes out. |
John didn't quite
make the full walk of about 6 miles, altogether. Getting him up at 5:45
AM probably didn't help. Grandpa took pity on him after he had walked
for more than 4 miles (including distance from parking). |
Very, very tired boy. When
Grandpa's shoulders gave out, he walked a bit more, then begged Dad for a
ride. He promptly fell soundly asleep on top of Dad's head. I guess he
really was tired. |
And school tomorrow for all!
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