Thursday, December 20, 2012

How to converse with a curious kindergartener

My conversation with 5-year-old John today while driving home from James's middle school Christmas concert:

"Mom, how sharp is a steak knife?"

"Um, I don't know. There are all different kinds of steak knives, and they aren't all the same sharpness."

"But what kinds are there?"

"Well, there are serrated and smooth, and different brands, and..I don't know. Why do you want to know?"

"I just want to know how sharp a steak knife is."

"Well, I can't really tell you, John. I don't know a way to describe sharpness." I was now getting a bit frustrated. I was trying to drive home in the dark, in the rain, with tired kids. Why was I having this conversation, anyway? In a flash of annoyance, I answered randomly, "Seven, John. They are seven sharp."

"Whoa!" His delighted giggle was surprised and immediate. "That is awesome!"

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