She is growing fast! Her 2-week check-up (last Thursday) measured Helen at 7 lbs 13 oz, so up nearly a half-pound since birth. Her length was 21 inches, which the doctor measured twice to be sure. This is because her birth length was recorded as 18 inches, and the pediatrician didn't think she could have really grown 3 inches in two weeks. She finally pronounced 21 inches as correct, and said the hospital must have been wrong. (She did point out that length is notoriously inaccurate.) While I agree that 3 inches seems like a lot, I am not completely convinced that it is wrong. Helen is unmistakably much bigger than birth. She no longer fits so tidily in one arm. It is a longer stretch from head to bottom, and her legs seem much longer. Her clothes are starting to fit, also. In fact, today I put on a one-piece sleeper without feet attached, and the pantlegs only come to her knees. Odd to think that she is already growing out of things, when just 2 weeks ago everything was too big for her.
She is awake a lot more - we enjoy watching her steady, quiet gaze as she ponders this new world into which she has been thrust. A few times, even while fully awake, she appeared to be smiling at us. (Well, mostly at James.) I know that this isn't likely to be a real smile before 6 weeks, but it looks convincing and is very fun to see. She is already able to pick her head up and look around for a few moments if lying on her tummy. So far, she hasn't gotten sick. Given all the cold and flu viruses going around, including with her own siblings, this is happy news.
Helen loves to have a bath. She will generally be screaming as we get started - probably from being naked and cold on her changing table. But she settles right into the warm water and quiets down immediately. I am very grateful that the new baby bathtub Aunt Sue gave us for John came with an infant sling. This provides just enough support to her that I can manage a safe bath even with all the "help" that I get from older siblings. I won't say that she has never managed to happily lick a bit of bathwater (yuck), but at least we can keep her from drowning.
Just chillin' in my spa ... |
Maggie is proud to help care for Helen |
Look how big I am getting! |
Enthusiastic helper and tolerant little sister - as long as the water stays warm. |
We are very pleased with our little girl.
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