Monday, June 9, 2014

Time to post again

Which is the prettiest flower in our yard?

Helen chooses all her own clothing these days. 9/10 days, that will be a dress.
Wow, it has been two months since my last post?!? That is a good sign, in this case, that we have been busy cramming lots of fun into our last weeks here in Massachusetts. We had visitors in April (first the Wunder family for a week, then Grandma Di, Grandpa Glen, and Grandpa Tom). We have done something every weekend in May, and the kids are starting to get busy at school, too, with end-of-year things.

I have lots of photos in the first few June posts of the older kids doing stuff for school, so I will first put a few photos of Helen in here, so that you don't forget about her!

Mostly, Helen is too busy to sleep these day. But even superheros need a break once in a while. While Grandpa Tom was here, he was happy to demonstrate for Helen.

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