Thursday, February 27, 2014

Birthday Girl

Helen has been pretty excited about turning 3. She doesn't seem to mind missing out on parties because she is away from family this year. Instead, she keeps getting cards and packages in the mail that stretch the fun out over weeks! Today, we walked to the post office box together and found a package for her. She could hardly wait to get home and open it - she practically jumped all the way home.

When she discovered it was a new dress, she immediately stripped down and put it on. Well, sort of. She couldn't wait long enough to strip all the way, so she left her pants on underneath. But, they kind of coordinated, anyway. Can you see on her face how excited she is? Thanks, Aunt Sue and Grandma!

And since I am behind a bit, I will catch up with some more photos of the party we did have for Helen - we had our neighbor/landlord over for chocolate cake (made by Meg). Helen wore two dresses in the span of one evening. All was happiness.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Things I miss in Michigan

A high school friend who lives out here was over for dinner with his family last weekend. He asked, "What do you miss most about Michigan this year?" That was good food for thought, especially since I had already started compiling the lists of what I will (and what I won't) miss about New England.

So, what I am missing about Michigan? This order is not necessarily in order - just as it comes to me. Some of it was prompted by Jeremy's answers the other night, so he gets shared authorship credit.

  1. Family
  2. Meijer
  3. Driving anywhere easily
  4. Parking anywhere easily
  5. Knowing where to go to buy any good or service (Usually, refer back to item #2) or do anything (like, Where is a sledding hill? Where is a pool where we can we swim in winter?)
  6. Normal prices for anything (Although it is scary how used to these prices I have become - the other day, I did another perfect "grocery cart" estimate. I used to be able to do it at Meijer, but this is the first time I really tried out here. John asked me, "Mom, how much will all this cost?" as we headed to the checkout. I glanced over the cart and said, "Um, about $200, John." It was $204.)
  7. The snow. Really. We have gotten quite a bit this winter, but it has come and gone on the ground. We are a bit jealous of the piles of snow in MI this year, that would be fun to play in (if not to shovel all the time). 
  8. Plowed roads. It seems like road care is just not as good around here.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Three-Year-Old Manners

I was reading The Itsy Bitsy Spider board book to Helen just before her nap. Well, okay, I was singing it. But she prefers that I sing - really.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.

I was singing quietly, and Helen was leaning right up against me, more than half-asleep. I thought she might actually be a goner before we finished the book. But then, we reached a fateful verse and she startled me.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the yellow pail
In came a mouse and flicked her with his tail
Out ran the mouse...

"The mouse needs to say 'Excuse me!' Helen sat straight up and shouted. She was wide awake now, and really warming to her topic. "He should say: 'I'm sorry and I'll try not to do it again.'" She gave me an offended look, and I had to agree with her that the mouse had behaved very badly before she would finally relax back against me and let me finish the book.

You know, even with four kids, they still find ways to surprise me.