Monday, April 4, 2016

Mom Guilt

 I started this post nearly a year ago, in May 2015. It still seems eerily relevant.

Some things that I will someday regret about my parenting, in no particular order:
  1. When my kids asked me to take them swimming, I said no simply because I hadn't shaved my legs recently.
  2. Yelling.
  3. Watching my kids play instead of playing with them.
  4. Staying up for an extra hour of "me" time - meaning I was crabby with the kids all the next day.
  5. Not closing my screen and looking them in the eye when they were talking to me.
  6. Not closing my screen the instant they walked in the door from school, no matter how much that email message seemed to call to me.
  7. Turning my disappointment in myself into anger at them. ("Mom, have you done (whatever) yet?" "NO! Quit nagging me! I can't do everything immediately!")
  8. Getting angry with a child who was crying over "nothing" when they were really crying over something - just something different than the apparent thing (usually being tired, hungry, or scared).
Now that it is one year later, I thought about adding to the list, but this seems to sum it up pretty well. I feel guilty about my parenting due to my tendency to be: selfish and/or short-tempered. I guess that should sum up guilt in many other venues as well. 

Introducing ... Elizabeth!

Well, I am once again on maternity leave. That should give me some quality time in a chair, nursing, which will sometimes give me time to blog again. I see it is about time - only one post in the past year.

Introducing our newest joy:

Elizabeth Jewett VanAntwerp

Day One: Elizabeth and Mom a few hours after birth

Born March 16, 2016 at 4:10 AM
7 pounds 0 ounces (40th percentile, newborn girls)
20 inches long (80th percentile, newborn girls)

With our Labor and Delivery team. Dr. Rinzler (closest to Jennifer) has been Jennifer's obstetrician for 17 years, but this is the first child she was able to deliver. She might have cheated a bit this time, by scheduling my induction for the night when she was on duty at the hospital. Next to her is her OB resident and in front is my nurse, Jamie.

By her second day (still in the hospital, Tuesday morning) you can start to get a sense of what she will look like. 
Day two, in her hospital bassinet

Elizabeth was down to 6 pounds, 9 ounces at 24 hours after birth. However, at 1 week old, she had surpassed her birth weight, measuring 7 pounds 1 ounce.