Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Having parents lead to psychotherapy requirements

I usually stop by the kids' beds to re-tuck them in on my way to bed. Tonight, I found John on the floor right by his door. He had been sent back to bed uncountable times. Apparently, he really just wanted to get closer to Mom before he fell asleep. I guess he finally compromised. He dragged his pillow and blanket over by the door, but just out of sight around the corner from the parental view from the kitchen. He didn't want to be caught out of bed and sent back again. This will clearly be an example when he is an adult of how his parents caused him untold mental anguish resulting in years of psychotherapy.

Speaking of parent-caused mental anguish...

James was completely uncovered, but with the blankets twisted all around his feet. I attempted to gently extricate him. As I was pulling up the covers over him, he stirred a bit, then woke up enough to tell me, "Mom, I don't really like it when you do that. It makes me have bad dreams."

"Hmm?" I softly queried, wondering if he was even awake.

"When you move my covers, it makes me have nightmares. The zombies were chasing me."

I suppose I don't really have any way to prove that tucking him in doesn't bring the zombies. Poor guy.

Follow up from a few days later:
He must be in a dream-frenzied state lately. Jeremy picked him up out of bed to wake him for school a day or two later and he complained drowsily, "Dad! You made me drop by groceries!"


  1. He must be in a dream-frenzied state lately. Jeremy picked him up out of bed to wake him for school today and he complained drowsily, "Dad! You made me drop by groceries!"

  2. I do NOT think James should go see "Alice in Wonderland." Just saying.
