Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kids cut to the heart

I know I have a tendency to be a bit short with the kids. When they act as if they can't hear me, or drag their feet when we are in a hurry, I am quick to lose my temper and bark at them. They never complain out loud, though I can sometimes see dismay on their faces when I shout. This of course kicks in the remorse on my part (though at least I then know they have started listening). But John found the fastest, sharpest way to jab in the knife of mommy-guilt this week.

I was herding him into the car, yet again. I had done my part right this time. I had gotten enough sleep the night before. I had started the departure process with lots of time to spare. I wasn't trying to do other things as we left (start the dishwasher, restock the diaper bag, remember the grocery list and school bag, etc.) so John had my full attention. Apparently, this made a difference. As I was calmly repeating, for the 3rd or 4th time, "John, it is time to sit in your seat and put your seat belt on," he looked up at me with big, innocent eyes and said, "Mommy, why are you being so nice today?"

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