Friday, June 17, 2011

Helen hits a new stage

Helen decided today that she is done with being a baby, just lying around waiting for the world to happen.

She learned to roll over about 3 weeks ago. That first time took her somework. She laid on her back and tried over and over again, for probably 10 minutes, until she finally got over. It was something to watch, though, for sheer physicality and application of will. She laid flat on her back and did a double leg lift - over and over again - then each time dropped her legs to the side. Finally she got enough momentum (and figured out how to get her arms out of the way) so that she could flop onto her tummy. Ta da!

We didn't see her do it again for several days, but then she cam back to it with a vengeance. Now, if we put her down on her back, she usually flips immediately to her front, almost as if compelled. She is much faster now. Lay her down and over she goes. She has also added to the skill. She can get her legs pulled up underneath her tummy and scoot forward. Combined with the rolling and wiggling, she can really get anywhere now.

Which is what she figured out today. Gone are the days when we can nonchalantly lay her on the floor on a blanket. As soon as she is down, she is "Outta Here!" She searches for anything nearby and goes after it. We removed from her grasping claws today a nice hardcover book, an open package of batteries, a dirty sock. (Now you have an unfortunate image of what our living room floor generally looks like.)

At bedtime tonight, she was particulary upset to have the batteries taken away just as she completed a triple roll and double scoot to make contact with them. To appease her, we got out the tub of baby toys. She has shown little interest in toys before now, but she went wild with them tonight. So many choices - rattles and blocks and thing-a-majigs, all just waiting to be rolled to, grasped, chewed on. She got a very determined look in her eye and set on about her "baby work." We all just sat around her and grinned. Who needs TV?

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